Hello, I'm Jeff

I'm a product designer skilled at balancing diverse requirements to realize cohesive and successful project outcomes. Drawing on over 12 years of experience as an architect, I bring a rigorous approach to crafting and refining elegant design solutions that enhance people’s lives in delightful ways.

Core Skills

Seeing the whole problem

Seeing the Whole Problem

I take a holistic approach to the decision making process in order to anticipate challenges and ensure all requirements are being considered. When constraints shift I don't shy away from reevaluating prior decisions in light of new circumstances.

Divergent and convergent creativity

Divergent & Convergent Creativity

Presented with a design problem, I can approach it from all angles to quickly generate numerous alternative approaches to a solution. I am equally comfortable working within defined systems, building creatively upon the resources at hand to realize progressive refinement.

Breaking down complexity

Breaking Down Complexity

I tackle large, complex issues by distilling them into discrete, manageable components. Putting in the effort to bring clarity and simplicity to a project can make the most intricate system feel intuitive.

Always asking why

Always Asking Why

I'm motivated by understanding how things work, why they work, and ensuring the correct problems have been identified. I'm keen to examine project requirements and stakeholder aspirations in a critical way to discover the motivations behind them.

Companies I've Worked With

Let's Chat

Whether you're interested in working together or just saying hello, please feel free to reach out.